A Profound New Vision of Growing Older
Creating your future decade by decade
Together we can make a difference! It is by working together that lost dreams are rediscovered and new ones are created.
~ Ina Albert
As we grow older, an urgency to succeed in the world shifts to mastering ourselves, fulfilling our dreams and leaving a legacy of wisdom gleaned from our life experience. 

​​Elders are pioneers at the leading edge of human evolution. 
We are the role models for future generations.  

What are we waiting for? 

Our second adulthood begins at 50 and can last 30 plus years or more!  
It is the longest stage of our lives.

How are we going to spend it?

Contemplation, meditation, life review and prayer - moving from Age-ing to Sage-ing® - are the best tools to gain lifelong perspectives. 

What future will we create?

It's my passion as a Certified Seminar Leader and  Lifestyle Transition Coach to help you use these tools and guide you through the decades to stand in your own power!

Let's talk!
For a free half hour conversation, call 406-249-4642
or email me at
As we are inspired, 
we inspire others!​
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